
The Do the Math Challenge Organizing Committee would like to welcome the community participants to the "Challenge" blog. We are looking forward to hearing about your experience! Good Luck!

Saturday, October 2, 2010

Day Two - Rollercoaster

Well first the personal perspective: I feel lousy about knowingly eating food that is not good for me… I have probably broken all of Canada’s Food Guide rules in the last 24 hours… high fat, low fibre, high salt, no fresh produce, limited protein. I am not so hungry as the food so far is “bulky” (white rice, white bread, crackers). Though I was pretty shaky (and irritable) this morning as I haven’t included snacks in my get-though-the-week meal plan but still tried to keep up with my exercise routine. As for the joy of cooking… I hadn’t realized how rewarding preparing food is. It is just no fun eating the same thing over and over - and knowing that there won’t be any more choices in the near future – and if I am depressed about the one week prospect of this, I cannot imagine the feelings if there is no end in sight.

On the family perspective: I would like to share a brief note about the family rollercoaster. On the one hand the kids are very excited about the Ritz crackers, cookies and the white bread, "Can we have some, Mum?" On the other hand, when we talk about other kids in need, they have tears and ask why this happens and how we can help. Our eldest has written down all my food and is cataloguing what I eat every day (and what my mood is like!). We are all using this as a rich experience to talk about difficult issues.

Friendly advice to non-participating partners: Do not comment after supper on how good the chocolate ice cream was...

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