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Tuesday, October 5, 2010

I'm cheating at this very moment

This will not come as a surprise to some (probably Markus, who caught me whining to my mom at the doctor's), but I'm cheating this morning. Yesterday was horrible; my brain felt like it was floating inside my head, I was dizzy, and when I wasn't -- I had a terrible headache.

I made the decision to cheat today after I almost fell down my stairs at home. Sure, the cat helped me, but I was pretty light headed to begin with. I was running late, and I didn't have time to make myself breakfast. I was going to make a scrambled egg and eat it on toast with a hotdog sliced into thin strips to make pseudo bacon.

But I didn't, because I tripped and almost fell and was running late.

So I'm eating a bagel with cream cheese right now, because it was $2, beside work, and I needed to eat.


Forgive me!

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