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Wednesday, October 6, 2010

More Ponderings

I (Larry) had an interesting conversation with a co-worker today that sparked thoughts through out. We discussed how many of the clients we work with often will eat only one meal a day, and as a result, their metabolism could be affected by slowing it, thus causing weight gain. But based on what Kathy and I have rationed, we could have easily taken all we ate on a daily basis and ate it in one sitting. At the same time, we talked about the post that went up yesterday (sorry, I recall who posted it, but it was a dietitian) and how a person, if spreading out the contents over the week, would be getting roughly a 1000 calories daily. For myself and most of the clients I serve, that would be about half of what our bodies require to function normally without physical activity. And yet, as helpers in the community, we encourage people to be physically active....how ironic...how do you be active when undernourished? And yet how many thousands of times have we heard about an "obesity epidemic"? Around and around in my head I go.

Kath put together a great rice/veggie/egg/spaghetti sauce thing for me for supper tonight. I have often marvelled at how she can take "nothing" and create something, bordering on masterpiece. As I pondered my bowl in front of me, I began to think, "Would I, if on my own, be able to whip something like this together?" A resounding no! I then thought of other clients who live on their own, but do not have a creative partner that can make a wonderful creation. What would they do with what we have left? Would they be able to create something as edible? I'm not so sure...I know I couldn't do it!

So, if I piece this all together as if I were a client I work with, it would go something like this: I get a box full of stuff from the foodbank, which is great, but then I am not sure what to with some of it, so I use what I know, but what do I do with the rest...well, I will eat only suppers for the next week...but then I am supposed to be active...but man, I am way to tired, so I think I will take it easy tonight...

By no means am I implying that those on assistance don't do much...I have met too many amazing people that do great things in our community...but after this week, I could completely understand if they didn't want to/couldn't be active.

1 comment:

  1. Larry and Kathy, interesting comments about metabolic rate. I am not aware of any specific science about metabolic rate of those receiving social assistance but in general I do think there is support in research. We may lose weight this week eating much less than usual but if we were to continue longer our bodies would adapt and we'd get by on less (not that we would have extra energy for activity but enough calories to maintain). Of course our diet would still be woefully inadequate in vitamins, minerals, and fibre and we would still be at a higher risk of chronic disease.


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