
The Do the Math Challenge Organizing Committee would like to welcome the community participants to the "Challenge" blog. We are looking forward to hearing about your experience! Good Luck!

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Not Just Another Tues.

Kath and I (Larry) took our 3 children to the Mission tonight for supper. (I wanted to take her without the kids and could call it a date!...but she wouldn't go for it...something about a teaching opportunity for them...oh well!) We bussed it in from nearby Copper Cliff to round out the experience. When we arrived, I was surprised by two things: 1. the place was nearly full at shortly after 5:30 when supper wasn't being served till 6, and 2. the variety of gender, age and ethnicity. There was a grandma proudly showing off her youngest grandchild, a mom playing with her son, multiple games of cards, and lots of conversation. There was almost a sense of community. It was equally interesting to have one guy yell to others to watch their language because there were children present. There was even the sharing of uneaten food between strangers.

The meal itself was great. As much as I am a wee bit weary of eating high carb foods, I am grateful for what was provided. It was nice to have a full stomach for once this week. And the vegetable soup was great.

Most interesting, was the discussion we had with our three kids afterwards. When asked what their thoughts were, our 13 yr old commented on how he noticed he was the only one with braces...our 11 yr old son was conscious that he felt like we were different because we were dressed differently than others...and he astutely picked up the fact there were a few in the mission that seemed lonely. We had the chance to talk with them about why the mission is needed in the first place, and although the food tasted good, having an increase in social assistance would allow for people to make their own choices. There are some things that can't be taught in a classroom or out of a text.

Our 9 yr old daughter, when praying tonight, thanked God for the volunteers who helped, that there are places like this to help those who need food and asked for God to show us how we can help. Amen Kate, Amen

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