
The Do the Math Challenge Organizing Committee would like to welcome the community participants to the "Challenge" blog. We are looking forward to hearing about your experience! Good Luck!

Monday, October 4, 2010

Weekend Hungry

So Friday wasn't too bad, thought I'd get through this quite easily as I'm not a very big eater, what an eye opener, because I'm a really healthy eater (fruits and veggies). Saturday decided to not eat lunch, so had my cereal (life shreddies) not my favourite. Then needed to run errands. This is when my discomfort begins. Went to Canadian Tire, they were selling sauage on a bun outside, I never eat sauage on a bun, I could have devoured in one gulp, the smell was so enticing. I prevailed but it seemed everyone was eating everywhere I went. Had very bad Saturday evening hungry all night, definitely went to bed hundry. Sunday, worked my part time job, starting the day with a dry toast and a fried egg. I have to tell you I miss my fruit desperately. Sunday work wasn't my finest hour, again hungry and it amazes me how much I was taking for granted. Food court, shelves and shelves of treats which if I wanted, would just buy. It's seems like all I'm thinking about is food. Went to bed hundry again Sunday. This morning, cereal again, my lunch is going to be tomatoe soup with Ritz crackers, oh man, I miss my fruit and veggies. Certainly not feeling myself. The Food Bank has perishables today that we can pick up, however after three days without, my thoughts are I can't take those perishables away from the people who need then, so I'm going to call the Food Bank to find what I would have received and go out and buy them. Right now, all I can think of "how do the little children out there in this unhealthy environment survive.? Luck everyone.

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