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Saturday, October 2, 2010

I Dreamed of an Orange

Just before I woke up, I dreamed I sliced a huge juicy orange and started eating it. Then within that dream I woke up and felt guilty about cheating on the the Do the Math Challenge. Then I really woke up craving an orange. It's been less than 24 hours and my family and I are obsessing about food.

The trip to get our box of food at the food bank was enlightening. We packed everything up in bags and took the bus home, which was standing-room only. It was fun to unpack the groceries, like opening a parcel. Everything was laid out on the counter, where it will stay for the week. Then reality hit. That's not a lot of food for four people.

Because we're a family, we get a little more than individuals: a dozen eggs instead of six, two loaves of bread instead of one, four litres of milk instead of two. Our family usually goes through sixteen to twenty litres of milk in a week, so we started planning and rationing immediately. The peanut butter is a lifesaver. That was lunch. Peanut butter on bread. We even got a jar of jam, but I have to admit that the prickly pear jam didn't go over well with my 14 year old. (I guess that why it's donated to the food bank)

Supper was Kraft Dinner with one wiener each rolled in slice of bread. The KD was no-name. I have to admit I can eat the occasional KD, but I had a hard time finishing my plate...and the box was split four ways!

The folks at the food bank threw in an extra, which they say they'll do when they have it. So we got a boxed cake mix. Again, no-name. We're a family of snackers, so that cake was whipped up right away, using two precious eggs instead of the three the recipe called for. No frosting. Kind of a weird taste. I'll leave it at that.

We tried to create a menu plan for the week, but have all but given up on keeping the kids in the challenge. There's nothing for school lunches. The can of juice will be gone this weekend. We're already through one loaf of bread. They could take crackers to school, but peanut butter is not allowed. Karen and I will forge through, but at this point we think we're going to have to supplement the kids' lunches next week.

Like I said before, we're obsessing about food and our eyes are already opened. We'll see what we dream about tonight when they close.

1 comment:

  1. Holy cow I had no idea how hard this would be for kids, I can't imagine what children on this plan would do for school lunches. Not having any lunch meat and not allowed to bring peanut butter sandwiches would probably have destroyed me when I was a kid. I spread out the contents of my box on the counter as well and I am saddened everytime I walk by it to get more water.


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